Training agenda =============== This tutorial can be used for trainings inside companies, communities, conferences and more. The following is a proposal for a company internal training, which goes over two days and has 2 sessions for each. Day 1 ----- Session 1.A ~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Introduction #. Questions to training participants about their python know how #. groundwork origin Why groundwork was developed #. groundwork showcase Active developed, groundwork based tool #. groundwork motivation Benefits of groundwork for developers #. groundwork concept Applications, Plugins, Patterns #. groundwork tutorial Session 1.B ~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Open questions #. :ref:`rules` #. Collection of Python and groundwork related topics #. Sphinx and PlantUML #. pytest and tox #. buildout #. Open discussion Day 2 ----- Session 2.A ~~~~~~~~~~~ #. ORM concept: Benefits #. SqlAlchemy #. groundwork-database tutorial Session 2.B ~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Web technologies: HTTP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PYTHON #. groundwork-web tutorial