sne render

render uses a Jinja2-Template and combines it with data from a needs.json file to generate a new output file, which can be a rst-file, a html-report, custom xml, whatever.

sne render


sne render -j needs.json -t my_template.rst -o output.rst

-j / –json

Defines a relative file to a json file, which can be a needs.json file.

Default: needs.json in the current working directory

-t / –template

Relative path to a jinja2 template file.

If it is not set, an internal template is used to provide a fast way to test it. See Default template for details.

Default: Sphinx-Needs Enterprise internal template

-o / –output

Relative path to an output file, which gets overwritten, if it already exists.

Default: needs.rst in the current working directory

Own template file

The template uses Jinja as template language.

The complete data from the loaded json file is available under the name data. Example for getting the project name of a loaded needs.json use {{ data.project}}.

Also {{ now }} can be used to get the current datetime.

For some ideas of how a report template may look like, please take a look into our Default template.

Default template

{{ data.project }}
{{ "=" * data.project|length }}

| Report created: {{now}}
| Data exported: {{data.created}}
| Versions found: {{data.versions|length}}
| Current version: {{data.current_version}}


.. contents::

{% for name, version in data.versions.items() %}
{{ name }}
{{ "-" * name|length }}

| Needs: {{ version.needs|length }}
| Created: {{ version.created }}


{%  for id, need in version.needs.items() %}
.. {{ need.type }}:: {{ need.title }}
   :id: {{ }}
   :status: {{ need.status }}

   {{ need.description|replace('\n', '\n   ') }}

{% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

Result Example

Sphinx-Needs Enterprise

| Report created: 2021-10-21 11:33:44.107829
| Data exported: 2021-10-21T11:31:06.176901
| Versions found: 1
| Current version: 1.0.0


.. contents::


| Needs: 2
| Created: 2021-10-21T11:31:06.176874


.. spec:: Built in GPS-System
   :id: CB_1018
   :status: Draft

   Codebeamer Link to Issue 1018 ``<>``

   Example content

.. spec:: Navigation system
   :id: CB_1091
   :status: Draft

   Codebeamer Link to Issue 1091 ``<>``

   Example content