.. _render: sne render ========== ``render`` uses a Jinja2-Template and combines it with data from a ``needs.json`` file to generate a new output file, which can be a rst-file, a html-report, custom xml, whatever. ``sne render`` options ------- ``sne render -j needs.json -t my_template.rst -o output.rst`` .. contents:: :local: -j / --json ~~~~~~~~~~~ Defines a relative file to a json file, which can be a ``needs.json`` file. Default: ``needs.json`` in the current working directory -t / --template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relative path to a jinja2 template file. If it is not set, an internal template is used to provide a fast way to test it. See :ref:`default_template` for details. Default: Sphinx-Needs Enterprise internal template -o / --output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relative path to an output file, which gets overwritten, if it already exists. Default: ``needs.rst`` in the current working directory Own template file ----------------- {% raw %} The template uses `Jinja `_ as template language. The complete data from the loaded json file is available under the name ``data``. Example for getting the project name of a loaded ``needs.json`` use ``{{ data.project}}``. Also ``{{ now }}`` can be used to get the current datetime. For some ideas of how a report template may look like, please take a look into our :ref:`default_template`. {% endraw %} .. _default_template: Default template ---------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../sphinx_needs_enterprise/templates/needs.rst.template :language: jinja **Result Example** .. code-block:: rst Sphinx-Needs Enterprise ======================= | Report created: 2021-10-21 11:33:44.107829 | Data exported: 2021-10-21T11:31:06.176901 | Versions found: 1 | Current version: 1.0.0 **Versions**: .. contents:: :local: 1.0.0 ----- | Needs: 2 | Created: 2021-10-21T11:31:06.176874 Needs ~~~~~ .. spec:: Built in GPS-System :id: CB_1018 :status: Draft Codebeamer Link to Issue 1018 ```` Example content .. spec:: Navigation system :id: CB_1091 :status: Draft Codebeamer Link to Issue 1091 ```` Example content